
Showing posts from February, 2019

Parent Information night.

Dear Parents, thank you to everyone who attended the Reconciliation Committment Mass on Saturday night. The children were amazing and I was incredibly proud of their participation in the Mass. This week  (tomorrow night) Tuesday 19th February we have our Parent Information night. Year Three session starts at 6.30 in the hall and will then move to the classroom at 7 p.m. If you are unable to attend could you please let me know. Thank you. The children are settling into a great routine during Gathering Time and I am very impressed with how independent they are. It has been a really smooth start to the school year. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night. Kind regards, Paula Murphy

Homework Schedule!

Dear Parents, today your child will bring home their spelling words for Week 2. They need to spell these words each night. You can vary the way that you do it to add variety and make it fun. Some suggestions are: spelling the words out aloud, writing the words on a whiteboard or blackboard (if you have one), making the words using magnetic letters etc. The children will be doing Look, Cover, Write Check in the classroom. The Mental Maths book will operate as: Monday- strategy                                                                   Tuesday- Part A                                                                    Wednesday-Part B    ...

Reconciliation Workshop and Commitment Mass

Good afternoon parents. This year, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be undertaken in Term 1.  Your children have commenced learning about and preparation for this Sacrament.  The majority of the preparation occurs within school time, although there are two sessions that are required to be attended prior to the Sacrament. Reconciliation Workshop  - This will be held on Wednesday  13th February  beginning at  5:30pm . This workshop includes activities that involve you and your child working together on a number of small activities.  Attendance at this meeting is compulsory for those students that are receiving this Sacrament. If you and your child are unable to attend, you will need to make an appointment with Fr Ian to go through the program.  If your child is not receiving the Sacrament, you and your child are more than welcome to join us.  Please let me know if you will be attending for catering and logistical purposes. ...

Welcome to 3Mu 2019!

Welcome to 3Mu and the new school year for 2019. After only 2 days the children seem really settled are ready to learn. Thank you for providing all your child's books. I look forward to getting to know you as the year unfolds. I am very impressed!!! HOMEWORK Today your child should have their Mental Maths book and will be completing Unit 1 Part A. They will need to do page 3 "Strategy" section. The Space and problem solving is a challenge section if they want to have a go. All Mental Maths books need to be handed in each morning for me to check please. If you would like to mark it with your child at home to give them immediate feedback I would really appreciate that. I would still like to see their book each day. SWIMMING LESSONS Year 3 will have swimming lessons in Week 7. I will give more details as it gets closer. SPORTS UNIFORM Sports days are Wednesday( sport shirt)  and Friday( faction shirt) LIBRARY The children have Keyboarding on Tuesday. Library bag ...