
Showing posts from October, 2020

Term 4 Week 2

Dear Parents, It is lovely to be back in 3Mu to see all of the gorgeous smiles and also to see how much the children have developed. Some of them have also grown quite a lot! Thank you once again for all of your support while I was away. A HUGE thank you to Mrs Martin for teaching the children and doing such a wonderful job. I really appreciate her effort. This term on Wednesdays both Year 3 classes will be doing dance with Mrs Haines. We would like the children to wear  their sports uniform on Wednesday as it allows them to move about more easily. They absolutely loved it last week. SPORTS UNIFORM   will now be worn on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Homework started last week so you should find your child's homework in their homework folder in their bag. Enjoy the week ahead and the sunshine! Kind regards, Paula Murphy.