Homework Schedule!

Dear Parents, today your child will bring home their spelling words for Week 2. They need to spell these words each night. You can vary the way that you do it to add variety and make it fun. Some suggestions are: spelling the words out aloud, writing the words on a whiteboard or blackboard (if you have one), making the words using magnetic letters etc. The children will be doing Look, Cover, Write Check in the classroom.

The Mental Maths book will operate as: Monday- strategy
                                                                  Tuesday- Part A
                                                                   Wednesday-Part B
                                                                    Thursday- Part C and the challenge section if they would like to have a go.

Reading should be done for 10 minutes from Monday to Thursday. The children need to be changing their book regularly.

Homework should not take any longer than 30 minutes a night.

We had a fabulous first week in Year 3Mu and I'm really enjoying gettting to know your child a little better each day.

I look forward to seeing you at the Reconcilaition Workshop on Wednesday 13th February at 5.30.

Kind regards.
Paula Murphy


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