Welcome to 3Mu 2019!

Welcome to 3Mu and the new school year for 2019. After only 2 days the children seem really settled are ready to learn. Thank you for providing all your child's books. I look forward to getting to know you as the year unfolds. I am very impressed!!!

Today your child should have their Mental Maths book and will be completing Unit 1 Part A. They will need to do page 3 "Strategy" section. The Space and problem solving is a challenge section if they want to have a go. All Mental Maths books need to be handed in each morning for me to check please. If you would like to mark it with your child at home to give them immediate feedback I would really appreciate that. I would still like to see their book each day.

Year 3 will have swimming lessons in Week 7. I will give more details as it gets closer.

Sports days are Wednesday( sport shirt)  and Friday( faction shirt)

The children have Keyboarding on Tuesday. Library bag and exchange day is WEDNESDAY.

Thursday is Music day. Your child will be learning the recorder this year.

The blog will be used as a form of communication. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Kind regards.
Paula Murphy


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