Week 9 Term 1

Dear Parents, welcome to Week 9.

A huge thank you to all of you for your support during this very different time in all our lives. I am here to support your child and also you as parents to the best of my ability. I am more than happy to reply to any emails that you send to answer any questions or concerns that you have.
We are currently in the process of setting different ways that we will be able to communicate with the children and also with you. We will be checking in on you to make this situation as easy as possible.
Just remember that as parents we are our childs first teachers and so much that we do with them at home is learning in everyday situations.

You should have received an email with this week's online learning activities.  If for some reason you don't please let me know A.S.A.P. and I will ensure you get it.

I am in the process of setting up Seesaw which we will start to use at the beginning of Term 2. This will allow us to communicate to each other and the children will be able to send messages to me and me to them. There are many other functions that will engage the children as well. I will send out the instructions and individual logins.

Thinking of you all and definitely missing having the children in the classroom.

Take care of each other.



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