Welcome to 2020 School Year.

Dear Parents. your child's first day in Year 3 is over and they did remarkably well especially after our long holidays. I look forward to getting to know you and your child better throughout the year.
The following information about 3Mu is to help you know what is happening and when.

Tuesdays- Indonesian and Music{your child will need their recorder and music file for their first lesson tomorrow.}

Wednesdays- HASS {in the library with Mrs Meyer}
                      Science- swap with Mr McSevich.

Thursdays - Physed ( Mrs Sinclair) teal sports shirt.

Fridays- SPORT ( faction sports shirt)

Thank you for having your child's books and supplies at school . If there has been some delay with  your book order can you please let me know.

I hope you have a fabulous first week.

Kind regards,
Paula Murphy.


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