Term 3 Week 2

Dear Parents, the children have settled back into their routines really well after the holidays which is great to see. In Years 3 and 5 the children will be doing a Bishop's Literacy Assessment online next week. If your child comes home asking questions about the Bible or Jesus and his life that is probably why.
There are some children who need to bring in their extra stationery supplies as they have run out. Could you please check with your child if you know you still have their extra stationery at home.
Thank you to the parents that have volunteered to help in the classroom. It is very much appreciated.
Enjoy this burst of sunshine and have a lovely week.

Kind regards,
Paula Murphy.


P&F Plate Fundraiser
Plates are available for collection from the Office for those who requested plates be made

Mission Markets 
Our annual OLC Mission Markets-  celebrating Our Lady of the Cape Feast Day-  are fast approaching (Thursday 15th August - Week 4). I will send details later this week regarding the activities and donations for the feast day.

OLC Quiz Night
This Saturday night is the OLC Quiz Night.  It promises to be a wonderful night, so if you don't have a table yet, please do!!


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