Term 2 Week 2

Dear Parents, welcome back to Term 2. The children have settled back really well and are back into routine. This term starting from tomorrow your child will be bringing home extra Spelling words which are their personal words taken from their journal writing. Please look out for these words as it is a new concept for the children.
Over the next  two weeks (Week 3 and 4) on Wednesday and Thursday morning the children will be doing their NAPLAN assessments. Your child doesn't need to feel anxious or concerned as we have been doing sample NAPLAN and they are very familiar with the process. We are treating it as another form of assessment. If you are able to keep their routines the same and we will do the same at school.
Thank you to the parents that are helping in the classroom. The children have really enjoyed having you in with us.

Happy Mother's Day to every Mum in Year 3Mu. I hope you have a beautiful day and that you are spoilt by your amazing child. Being a Mum is such an honour and joy and the hard work is all worth it.(I can say that now that my boys are adults.) It is one of the most important jobs we will ever do!
Have a great week.

Kind regards,
Paula Murphy.


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