
Dear Parents, next week on Tuesday 26th March we will be walking down to the church to allow the children to do their Examination of Conscience leading up to receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will leave after recess and the children will take their lunch with them. We will eat our lunch together at the church. Please note that your child will not be able to order their lunch from the canteen on that day.

Footy Tipping: Today your child may have brought a footy tipping sheet home with them. It is not compulsory but just a fun way during the footy season. I have explained to the children that they need to cross out the team that they think will not win. The team that is left is the winning team. I will explain it again tomorrow in case the children didn't fully understand. There will be weekly prize of a mars bar. If you do not want your child to get a mars bar, please let me know and I can provide a different prize.

Swimming: The children have been absolutely amazing. It is a huge week and they should be exhausted. Thank you for having your child so organised. It is very much appreciated.

Have a great week.

Kind regards,
Paula Murphy


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