Maths Information!

Dear Parents, today I have sent home with your child a login card for them to do Mathletics at home. It is not compulsory but it will help your child revise concepts that have been treated in class. I have set the area of Place Value. The children will have an opportunity to do some Mathletics in class time but possibly only one session per week of 15-20 minutes.

Sight words have also been sent home and should be in your child's homework folder. The sight words need to be read and spelt correctly. As we have swimming next week the turn around for the sight words will be a little longer. Your child if they are ready can be tested in Week 8.

Swimming for 3Mu is next week (Week 7). We will leave school at 11.30 and return at 2.15. Your child will have their crunch and sip and morning tea at school. They will take their lunch to the pool as they have a break between their lessons. They will need to have a separate small bag for their lunch which needs to be labelled please. They will get changed back at school.

I hope you have a wonderful week.
Kind regards,
Paula Murphy.


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