week 10

Good afternoon Parents, Just a few reminders for week 10 First Reconciliation Mass tomorrow at 10am Operation Christmas Child Donation and Money We will be packing our boxes on Tuesday afternoon, can you please ensure that all donations and money have been returned to school by then. Mission Markets - Thursday 24th September, Please make sure that you send in your fun bag of chocolates ASAP Students are to bring a wallet or purse containing no more than $10 and a reusable tote or plastic bag to carry any purchases. Faction Tokens and WWWF Winners - Naturaliste and Meelup are able to wear free dress on Thursday as their reward! Homework Due on Thursday as Friday is a Pupil Free Day Congratulations to Kye for his Merit award Thank you for all your support and lovely smiles during the past 6 weeks. I've thoroughly enjoyed stepping in for Mrs Murphy and have had so much fun with all the students. Have a lovely holiday, kind regards Mrs Martin