
Showing posts from April, 2019

Week 10!!!

Dear Parents, thank you for your attendance at the parent interviews. I really appreciate you taking the time to meet with me. I find the 3 way interview really valuable and enjoy sharing your child's progress with you. You should all feel incredibly proud of your child for their hard work and effort this term. During the holidays could you please check to see if you have any stationery at home as some children are starting to run out of supplies. Thank you to the people that have paid $12 for Reconciliation. If you haven't could you please finalise this before the end of the term. Sight words are being tested at the moment so if your child is ready to have them tested please see me or Mrs Annert in the morning during gathering time. PARENT HELP; I am looking for some parents that would like to help next term on a Thursday morning from 11.20- 12.00 in Maths. You would be asked to take a small group of children but it would all be planned and support will be given to you...

Oops!!! Reconciliation Follow Up!

Dear Parents, thank you again for your support for Reconciliation. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was so proud of each of the children. During the process of preparing your children I completely forgot that I was meant to ask for each child to pay $12 to cover the cost of the badges, certificates and cake. We will be celebrating this Friday as the children will be receiving their certificates at assembly and also sharing the cake. Can I please ask that you get the money to me A.S.A.P.? I apologise in advance for my oversight. I hope you have a great week and I look forward to catching up with you during Parent Interviews this week. Kind regards, Paula Murphy