
Week 8 Term 4

Dear Parents, welcome to week 8!  Thank you to all the parents that volunteered and helped with our excursion. It was a fabulous day and we all thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  Just a few reminders for this week. Wednesday 2nd  December : Dress rehearsal for the end of year concert. The children will wear their sports uniform to school as usual but will get changed at lunchtime into their clothes for the Christmas concert. Please refer back to the details given in the blog. ST Vinnies Hampers Thank you for your generous support and giving so far. If you have not donated yet can you please do so A.S.A.P. Enjoy your week. Kind regards, Paula Murphy
 Week 7 Term 4 Dear Parents, tomorrow the 26th November is our class excursion. Just a reminder that your child will need to wear their sports uniform and their teal sport shirt please. They will need their school hat and school backpack with their crunch and sip, morning tea and lunch. Please ensure that they have a drink bottle as well. It is meant to be a beautiful day and we are very much looking forward to our day out. Next Wednesday 2nd December the children will be having a dress rehearsa l for the Christmas concert. They will need to bring their clothes with them on that day. Please refer to the previous Blog with the details. Thank you and have a lovely week. Kind regards, Paula
  Week 6 Term 4  Dear Parents , Week 6 already. Your children have been selected to do dance this term and will be showing their skills at the end of year concert. Please see the details below. Have a great week . Regards, Paula Dear Parents, Congratulations! The Year 3 students have been working so hard this year and have been awarded for their efforts by learning a Christmas Dance with Mrs Haines each week this term. All year 3 students will performing the Christmas Dance at this year’s OLC Christmas Concert! The most exciting part- Costumes! Please see requirements below for each class: Mrs Murphy’s Class: ‘Shake Up Christmas’ All students to wear either a  RED  or  GREEN PLAIN  T-SHIRT  (if they have a red or green t-shirt with a pattern or logo etc please just turn inside out). Please wear  LONG BLACK PANTS - leggings or tracksuits pants (need to be stretchy to dance in). Please wear any coloured sneakers/runners. PLEASE BRING...

Term 4 Week 2

Dear Parents, It is lovely to be back in 3Mu to see all of the gorgeous smiles and also to see how much the children have developed. Some of them have also grown quite a lot! Thank you once again for all of your support while I was away. A HUGE thank you to Mrs Martin for teaching the children and doing such a wonderful job. I really appreciate her effort. This term on Wednesdays both Year 3 classes will be doing dance with Mrs Haines. We would like the children to wear  their sports uniform on Wednesday as it allows them to move about more easily. They absolutely loved it last week. SPORTS UNIFORM   will now be worn on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Homework started last week so you should find your child's homework in their homework folder in their bag. Enjoy the week ahead and the sunshine! Kind regards, Paula Murphy.

week 10

Good afternoon Parents, Just a few reminders for week 10 First Reconciliation Mass tomorrow at 10am Operation Christmas Child Donation and Money We will be packing our boxes on Tuesday afternoon, can you please ensure that all donations and money have been returned to school by then. Mission Markets  - Thursday 24th September, Please make sure that you send in your fun bag of chocolates ASAP  Students are to bring a wallet or purse containing no more than $10 and a reusable tote or plastic bag to carry any purchases. Faction Tokens and WWWF Winners  - Naturaliste and Meelup are able to wear free dress on Thursday as their reward! Homework Due on Thursday as Friday is a Pupil Free Day Congratulations to Kye for his Merit award Thank you for all your support and lovely smiles during the past 6 weeks. I've thoroughly enjoyed stepping in for Mrs Murphy and have had so much fun with all the students.  Have a lovely holiday, kind regards Mrs Martin

week 9

Good afternoon and welcome to week 9 This week students will be undertaking their First Reconciliation. The appointment schedule is complete. If your child will be undertaking their First Reconciliation and you don't have a time scheduled, please see me or Mrs Meyer.   We will attend a Celebration Mass in the hall next Tuesday (22nd September) at 10am.  If you are able to attend, we would love to see you there. WHEELIE, WALKIE, WASTE-FREE WEDNESDAY 🚲🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🌟 Don't forget that our Wheelie, Walkie, Waste -Free Wednesdays will continue TOMORROW (16th September).  Please support your child to join this wonderful initiative. MISSION MARKETS  On the last day of school (Thursday 24th September) the children will be participating in our annual feast day - The assumption of Mary. Each class is asked run a stall. This year we will be 'Throwing stuff'.  To assist with prizes, please send in a  fun size chocolate bag (ie mars bars, smarties etc) by 22nd Septe...

week 8

 Dear Parents, We hope everyone had a great Father's Day and enjoyed their beautiful gifts of artwork (see below) Just a few reminders about this week: Design & Technology Lesson tomorrow: We will begin building our TINY HOUSE so please remember to bring in any special materials you might need that we sent home on a blue list last week. RECONCILIATION Mrs Meyer has sent out a link today with a schedule for Reconciliation.  If your child is completing the Sacrament, please access the link and record your name ASAP. WHEELIE, WALKIE, WASTE-FREE WEDNESDAY Don't forget that our Wheelie, Walkie, Waste -Free Wednesdays will continue each Wednesday for 2 more weeks, week 8 & week 9.   SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS These will take place this Thursday (10th September).  As our sport day is Thursday, please send you child in their formal winter uniform but place their sport shoes in their bags to change into at the appropriate time. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX APPEAL Pl...